Tuesday, May 8, 2007

dancing IS the devil

I've always thought of dancing as something I just avoided as a very white man. Yes I learned the electric slide in elementary school gym class but thats the extent of my professional training.

I happen to be friends with several latin women and dancing is a very popular activity. One night recently I decide to say f-it (yes after a few drinks). Though the details of my actual dance style are hazy (repressed?) I can only imagine they were less then awe-inspiring. However, I had a great time. I just relaxed, joked around with it some, and enjoyed it.

Expected outcome:
Since we mutually tease each other anyway I expected this to fuel a fire that would be the subject of ridicule for weeks to come and become the subject of jokes for friends that weren't even there to witness it.

Actual outcome:
"Last night was so fun!" This took my by surprise, I came to realize they didnt really care if I couldn't dance for shit. They really just wanted to dance with friends and me just being out there and moving was good enough for them. They weren't embarassed or even critical of me. Either that or alcohol transforms me into (insert good male dancer). Unlikely..

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